
Learning Log 7

A stage play of Romeo & Juliet has held us together.
In order to perform the play, it requires a lot of components.
Teamwork is the glue which keeps a team together.
 “The world is a stage” said Shakespeare. This means that we are just the players on this stage, but it also means that we are not alone in this stage.
Without cooperation we will not be able to accomplish the task. 
Cooperation and responsibility has made us to attend almost every rehearsal and memorized our lines;  
being tolerant to others and respect their point of view, so that we can share and try to understand others more;  
be more lenient, and give each others more chances and time.
Those are what I have learnt from this 10minutes play. 
Until then I fully understand the meaning of 
 One minute on stage takes ten years of practice.
Though on the day of the performance, we make several mistakes
No matter what comes up,
the most important is to enjoy the happiness in the process rather than the result! 
I would recommend our juniors to have this literature performance in the future,
 to realize their full potential and experience life.


Learning Log 6

Literary devices are the heart and soul of every expression. These devices breathe life in words which are common to all forms of a language whether it is a narrative, story-writing, drama, newspaper or poetry.”
Why do we learnt literary devices and use it in writing and communication? Well, these devices are part of our language, it give us the ability to use language creatively for communication and pleasure. If we learn these literary devices well, we will be able to understand the passage more deeply!
During lessons, we get to know some new literary devices:
Visual:     what we see
Auditorywhat we hear
Olfactory: what we smell
Tactile:     what we touch
Gustatory:   sensations of flavour or texture in mouth
Kinesthetic: about movement
The particular means of expression the writer use (include imagery, diction and prose techniques) will convey different meaning to the reader. Even affect the reader’s feeling towards the author.
Some of the literary devices are very special and interesting. For example: Oxymoron, paradox, connotation…
Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms.
E.g. in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo declares:
"O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!
Paradox is a statement which seems self-contradictory, but turns out to make good sense.
e.g. "I always lie" is a paradox. If it's true, then it's a lie.
   If god is all powerful, can he make a sandwich so big, that even he can' eat it?
Connotation is the suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes.
For example, the word modern strictly means “belonging to recent times,” but the word's connotations can include such notions as “new, up to date, and experimental.”
   Literary devices are difficult and complex, but it aroused my interest in literature.


Learning Log 5

I have learnt many ways to understand a poem.
When we come across an unseen poem, an unfamiliar poem, the first step is try to read non-stop and understand the poem.
The second step is to pick out the words and phrases which you do not know thoroughly.
The third step is to write down our feeling and where the attention is drawn to.
Asking questions about the observable features of a poem will also help us find a way in.
I have also learnt to answer unseen prose passage by using two techniques:
  •      IBC
  •      PEEL
How to quote is also a very important skill to answer a question!
  • ABCs
I have learnt skills to organize and write the essay!
Organization is the key to write an essay. If you organize the skeleton of your essay, the rest of the content will quickly fall into place.
An essay should have an introduction with points that you will made in the body. The body should be organizing into five to eight paragraphs, with a clear point supporting the initial assertion. Lastly, the conclusion should summarize all the key point


Learning Log 4

Our group performed on Thursday, Jiayi , Xinyi and me was in group 13. We managed to find time to do props after school. After watching the Macbeth performance of other groups on Monday, we decided to improve our performance by adding in slides show and sound effect. On the day of performance, we apply make-up and put on our costumes during recess.

  We were the first group to perform, I felt so nervous. There are some technical issues, as the computer is not able to play the sound effect. Then, a hush felt over the AVA Room, we begin our stage performance. As my hat and ears were not tailor made, it fall over my head.
 I prefer Angeline’s group performance, their witches stand at the different side of the AVA Room, later, run toward the central stage, which was creative. Also appreciate the effort of Syron’s group, they brought the real pot to the school and Melvin’s face was covered with paint.

    This Macbeth Stage Performance is a special experience to me, enriching my school life.


Learning Log 3

Individual role playing <ACT 1 SCENE 1>
My role for Act1 Scene1 was Witch two,who has a paddock.Our group member try ways and means to project their voice as shrill as witches.The acting was animated and humorous.
For <Act 1 Scene 2>,I could not understand the script at first glance.After the explaination of teacher and i check for dictionary,I could understand the script better.At the same time ,Learnt new words and phrases .

From  early scene that Macbeth is the hero of the war bringing Scotland a comprehensive victory through his own courage and determination.King Duncan’s captain describes the battle between the two armies like that of two drowning men who cling together, but are unable to gain an advantage until Macbeth comes on the scene and tips the balance in favor of Scotland. 
Phrases such as “velour’s minion” and “Bellona’s bridegroom”, which means the servant of courage, and the husband of war.  The captain provides a very descriptive account of Macbeth’s fight with Macdonald, saying “He unseamed him from nave to the chops. And fixed his head upon the battlements”.  
There is  an ironic twist towards the end of the play.
The captain’s report also pays tribute to Macbeth’s fellow captain, Banquo, and the pair is described as “eagles and lions pursuing the timid Norwegians, who were like sparrows and hares”. 
In class, we discussed the comic grids,which help us sumarries act 1 scene 2.
Actually,i don't  have much talent in art.So,i don't like to draw.It is difficult for me to complete the comic work.


Learning Log 2

  The presentation of Three witchesAct1 Scene1  Macbeth by classmates is funny and interesting. But I think it is not an easy job, as they have to pluck up their courage to perform in front of the class. Some of them had done well, while others are just too shy. I learnt that we should use either high or low pitches to represent different character.

  Next group work about superstitions we get to know different superstitionsand how does those superstitions come from, It enrich my knowledge.

I really like the research of superstitions by my peers! Love the way teacher demonstrate to us! I think research really helps in our study, it enhance our knowledge



Learning Log 1

Cinquain: What have I learnt about cinquain:
   A Cinquain is the general term for a class of poetic forms that employ a 5-lines pattern. Within the class, there are several forms that are defined by specific rules and guidelines.

1.Title(one word)
2.Description(Two words)
3.Action(three Words)
4.Feeling(Four Words)
5.Reflection on title(One word)
Comment about the lesson:
    Our group members collaborate together and use their talent and experience to contribute to the success of the team's objectives. Working as part of a team improves our learning.

Suggestion for improvement:
   Teacher should give more examples, so we get to learn from it.